A 1 in 650,000 chance..

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Bathroom singer the brave!

Wow! Can't believe it is already 6:18am and I am still awake! Later got lecture at 8am. Sigh, last week of uni is always the worst! So much work to do and I am going to expect almost 1 whole week of sleepless nights. After this ordeal, still have to face the dreaded exams!!!

Anyway, back to the main topic. My friend, the bathroom singer, he did a very brave thing yesterday. There was this girl he fancied, and he only met her once before, when he helped her with her car. So, to know her better, this joker actually wrote a note and put it on the windshield of her car, since it was such a coincidence that she was staying like 4 houses away from me only. So, today, or just now rather, she replied him, and he was like head over heels. The funniest thing was when he messaged me in MSN twice, saying "She replied liao!! She replied liao!!". Hahaha... Anyway, I respect you for your bravery and I shall give you the infamous, I-create-myownself-one, Golden Condom Award, also know as the Gondom Award!! So, Mr bathroom singer, do you have a speech ready? You should be very happy today, double happy infact. Because your lab score was 91% unlike my pathetic score of 76%. =( Even the pedophile also got 2% more then me. I think I am becoming stupid already... (Can kiss my 2nd Class upper honours goodbye liao...)

Ok lah, need to finish some more work, then head over to uni for lecture already. Last week lectures cannot miss! Because the lecturer usually will talk about the final exams, and might give some tips.


At 11/01/2005 6:53 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Thks ah... need to announce to everyone then u happy ah...


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